Thursday, March 6, 2008

Robots: The Next Tech Bubble? (link) :
Gadgets and gimmicks and concept robots from huge corporations all presage the moment that open-architecture robots will catapult robotics out of its niche. As soon as the next generation of teen nerds can get their fingers into the brains of $200 'bots, robotics will be unleashed into the outward spiral of acceptance. The nerds will run with the technology and do for robotics what they did for computing in the 1970s and 1980s.

Yes. Hai. Ya. Agree.
Just a matter of time before I get my cold, grubby hands on some soldering equipments, and all hell will break loose. Got a few ideas now, like switching on/off the room fan from the bed. Till then, I'll just be learning Python and reviving the 10yr old PC to use Linux.

If I do eventually venture into the robotics field, heck even if I don't, I still would really, really want to see robots become the next PC. MOAR AUTOMATION AS WELL !!!
Hope robotics become the next big-thing. That, and prosthetics. And my personal flying car.

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